The following extract is from the Cadet Pocket Book 2024 Edition - find out more here INTRODUCTIONThe first Cadet Pocket Book, written by John Harris, was publishedin 1981 and was designed to help cadets and Cadet Force AdultVolunteers (CFAVs) get the most out of their time with the ArmyCadets. It has gone on to sell over 100,000 copies and is...
Every year East Midlands UOTC hosts a Winter Ball where Staff and Officer Cadets alike can relax, socialise and celebrate the festive season. For OCdts in the Junior (Badajoz) Company, it is their first experience of military dinners and the formalities that come along with them, such as speeches, toasts and many other long-standing traditions. As well as being a...
By L/Cpl Amiche from 94 Cadet Det RRF and L/Cpl Hemsley 77 Cadet Det RIFLES As part of the Army Cadet Force, we have been offered many opportunities for incredible experiences. till, they seem to pale in comparison to the expedition to South Africa that we, a group of 24 cadets and 6 adults, shall undertake this August . As...
For the first time in the history of the Army Cadet Force a National ACF Museum is being created at Octavia Hill’s Birthplace House in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. The ACF Museum is being created as a project in conjunction with ACCTA, Regional Command along with Col (Rtd) Mark Knight MBE DL and CSgt Tim Scargill, Sussex ACF. The museum will bring...
New images have been released of the redesigned British Army Crowned Cap Badges. The badges feature the new King's Crown (Tudor Crown) which is replacing the Queen’s Crown (St Edward’s Crown). The College of Arms, which designed the cyphers, was founded in 1484 and is responsible for creating and maintaining official registers of coats of arms and pedigrees.
The Squadron has seen some significant changes in the last 18 months. As with most Squadron’s the pandemic was hard. Cadets was shut down and moved online for virtual training. Many cadets left the organisation due to this and the Squadron’s numbers plummeted. In September 2021 the Squadron got a new Squadron Commander. At the point of taking command, the...
Can you pass our latest military skills challenge? This competition is now closed, (our winner was Richard Brearly). However you can still have a go for fun. Pictured below is a soldier from the 1st Battalion Royal Irish with Foxhound Patrol Vehicles behind. This image was taken during exercise Trident Juncture 2018. However, we have made an alteration to the...
IN THE BEGINNING The RAF Regiment is to the RAF, what the Royal Marines are to the Royal Navy; it is the ground fighting force that enables its parent service to operate effectively from a safe environment. The RAF Regiment has its roots in the RAF Armoured Car Squadrons that protected the RAF in its Air Control role of preserving the...
Every Cadet has the opportunity to earn promotion and develop their cadet career, the skills and abilities you require can only be developed by training and practice. To a great extent your opportunity for promotion is entirely in your hands, from your first Parade night your attitude towards your mates, how you respond to being given instructions and how well...
WHAT IS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD SCHEME & WHY SHOULD THE ACF/CCF GET INVOLVED? The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, now known officially as The DofE, is a well known established award international programme of personal development leading to a prestigious award for those who complete the challenge. It is an excellent addition to your cadet life. To take...