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PLCE Marching Order CS95 (2006)

The contents of your bergen, plus your webbing make up PLCE Marching Order. This layout shows some recommended contents for an Adult Instructors or Cadet NCO Bergen and can be used as a basis for ideasClick on individual items on image to find out more about them. 

Sleeping Bag Sleeping Bag Body Soap Utility Roll Collapsible Water Bowl Towels Camo Face Wipes Fuels Commando Socks Batteries Liner Sock Field Dressing Water Bottle Headover Mess Tins Utensils Fuels Stoves and Cookers Ration Packs Dri Sack Bivi Bag Yoke Bungees Tent Pegs Survival Bag DPM Basha Basha Pole Utility Straps Snuggy Pillow Bergans Assault Boots Gaiters Base Layers/thermals T-Shirts Norweigan Shirt Sleeping Mat Combat Clothing