The UK MoD have finally listened to the concerns of the UK cadet forces by launching a range of new British Army ration menus specifically geared towards the tastes of young people. This development was announced amid concerns that traditional 'stews' and 'casseroles' simply don't appeal to a new generation of young people who are used to snacking on fast food rather than traditional family cooked favourites at home. It is understood that the MoD is currently collaborating with a number of food manufacturers and that the roll out of 8 all new British Army ration menus will be completed by Jan 2020. The first tranch of new menus includes 'burger with ketchup 300g' and 'doner kebab with chilli sauce'. It is has been widely anticpated that a 'chicken burger', 'chips with curry sauce' and 'cheese and tomato pizza' menu will shortly join the range.

British Army Ration Packs

New army ration designed to meet the tastes of new generation of cadets

A spokesman for the MOD said '...we have long appreciated that young people deserve better field army rations that are nutritional but above all palatable and the new generation of menus is designed to meet this requirement'. Cadet Direct has been lucky enough to secure a supply of both the burger with ketchup 300g and doner kebab army ration with chilli sauce' boil-in-the-bag menus and these will be available to purchase on it's website from 01/04/19.  

kebab ration pack

The newest army ration includes a boil-in-the-bag doner kebab

This latest generation military ration does not require re-hydration and comes sealed in an individual, robust foil pouch. The meal pouch is designed to be easy to carry, simple to prepare and can be served hot after immersing in boiling water for seven to eight minutes. In addition, this meal can be eaten cold, making it ideal for night time ops or emergency ration use. We recently tested the new products and you can watch our video below:


Watch our video review of two of the new army rations.

The burger menu is supplied with a ketchup sachet and sealed slice of cheese and the doner kebab comes with it's on chilli sauce

wayfarer army ratpack

Wayfarer are a recognised supplier of mail meal rations to the UK MOD and their entire range is also available at Cadet Direct.