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  1. Tried and Tested: We look at Highlanders latest range of HMTC packs

    Tried and Tested: We look at Highlanders latest range of HMTC packs
    This week we received Highlanders latest offerings from there Pro Force range of MTP compatible packs. Today we will have a look over these new packs and try to help you decide which the right one for you is. We will be looking at four new rucksacks all from Highlander’s Pro Force range which are the 12 litre Scout pack...
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  2. Blade Fast Boil Mk 2 Now in Stock with MTP Sleeve!

    Blade Fast Boil Mk 2 Now in Stock with MTP Sleeve!
    We've just received delivery of the latest Blade Fast Boil Stove from Highlander. The Mk.2's design has been updated from the popular original which was quite a blockbuster product for us when it was launched in 2015. Amongst other improvements, the Mk 2 Blade features a new cup that has been redesigned to hold the stove kit more snuggly and...
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  3. Army Cadet Uniform and ADR's (Part 2)...

    Army Cadet Uniform and ADR's (Part 2)...
    As part of our interest in creating an Army Cadet Force uniform guide, Cadet Direct has been reviewing the current Army Dress Regulations Part 8 (April 2013). CCF uniform is also covered in the same document. ACF uniform includes MTP PCS uniform as well as No.2 Dress. The current issue No.2 Dress  is referred to as Future Army Dress or...
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  4. Cadet Direct Catalogue Autumn Winter 2016-2017

    Cadet Direct Catalogue Autumn Winter 2016-2017
    The new Cadet Direct catalogue has just hit our desks so we thought we'd let you know more about it. First of all it's completely FREE! To order your copy simply click here and we'll send a copy out to you today. Secondly the catalogue is packed with lots of cadet kit and uniform - so whether you're after Army...
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  5. 8 'Must Have' Items for Annual Camp...

    8 'Must Have' Items for Annual Camp...
    Annual Camp is probably the highlight of the year for cadets and is packed full of challenging activities and is also a chance to spend nights living out in the field. Making sure you have the right kit with you is very important as it will make Annual Camp more enjoyable if you are equipped for the challenges properly. If...
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  6. Surrey Air Cadets and Lancashire Army Cadets take on Pathfinder 46 Mile Challenge

    Surrey Air Cadets and Lancashire Army Cadets take on Pathfinder 46 Mile Challenge
    A team of Surrey Wing Air Cadets embarked on the Pathfinder Challenge to complete 46 miles in 20 hours. They were joined by Army Cadets from Lancashire Army Cadet Force. Both teams have been sponsored by kit supplier Cadet Direct. Together, with a combined team of 29 marchers, they started the challenge marching out of RAF Wyton at 04:00am. The team set...
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  7. Air Cadets hit the road in Magnum Classics!

    Air Cadets hit the road in Magnum Classics!
    The South & East Midlands Wing Air Cadets Road Marching Team has just received their 14 pair FREE pairs of Magnum Classic boots in time for the Nijmegen Marches 2016 and are excited to see the impact the issued boots will make on their performance. Sgt Tom Chambers from 2070 (Glenfield) Squadron ATC said, “I’m thoroughly elated for our team to receive...
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  8. Cadet Direct visits Air Cadet Camp

    Cadet Direct visits Air Cadet Camp
    Cadet Direct has paid a visit to South and East Midlands Air Training Corps during their Spring Camp at Swynnerton. Cadet Direct were invited to attend the visitors day event by Wg Cdr Nigel Dickinson, OC South and East Midlands ATC. The event also gave James Munday, Managing Director of Cadet Direct the chance to meet Sqn Ldr Sarah Mayoh-Smith who is...
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  9. Lancashire ACF Marches in Magnum Classic Boots

    Lancashire ACF Marches in Magnum Classic Boots
    Cadet Direct have supplied 14 free pairs of Magnum Classic Boots  to the Lancashire ACF Nijmegen Team. The boots, supplied by Magnum Boots, are being worn by the team throughout their rigorous training program as well as during the 4 day, 100 mile Nijmegen Marches event itself. The team is being led by 2/Lt Don Lennon who is leading the team for the second year in a row...
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  10. Surrey Air Cadets Nijmegen Team get Assault Packs and Hydration Units

    Surrey Air Cadets Nijmegen Team get Assault Packs and Hydration Units
    Cadet Direct has sent 14 free assault packs and 14 hydration bladders to the Surrey Air Cadets Nijmegen Team who will be completing the famous 4 day marching event in Holland this summer. The packs will be carried by each team member throughout their rigorous training program as well as during the 4 day, 100 mile Nijmegen Marches event itself. Highlander Outdoor, the outdoor equipment manufacturer, has also got involved and has kindly...
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Items 101 to 110 of 148 total